Sunday 25 November 2012

Old Spitalfields Market


Dearest readers,
This coming Saturday 1st December I will be holding a stall with other artists at Spitalfields Market in East London, running from 10am until 5pm. We will be selling mostly fine art prints, as well as Christmas postcards and other handcrafted works perfect as gifts. So if you are thinking of that special, unusual, original artwork that someone you know will love... drop by our stall and have a look at our prints! Affordable art under £100 and crafted precious objects make a great quirky Christmas present. Or if you love art, buy it for yourself!
It would be really nice to see you there and show you what we've been up to!
Please let anyone you think might want to come know,
Best wishes,
Julia R. Gallego
P.S. I will be selling La que lleva la Cruz and more new relief work!