Monday 19 November 2012


La que lleva la Cruz is my lattest woodcut, where I merge several symbols I have been working with. My prints are usually much more thought through but I made this one more as an experiment, to try something bold and graphic. At a cafe, with my dearest friend Gaby, we thought for a name for hours, something that sounded spanish, enigmatic, poetic and sounded like an old saying... voila! As often happens, our conversation sprung in different directions, changing subject several times, and as she told me a short story, I knew that title was perfect. Her grandmother taught her a trick to differentiate the male ♂ and female ♀ symbols, remembering that the female is that who wears the cross, 'la que lleva la cruz', metaphorically carrying the cross, (as Christ) that is, the burden.

Similarly the hand wears a cross, tattooed perhaps, and the menstrual symbols and the snake refer to that burden (which takes many forms for many women).

This image is from the first prints, the final edition is of 28 and is a darker red, with the white hand placed vertically on the paper.