Artist Statement

My practice revolves around the opening of the body, when the limit of the skin is trespassed and there is an access to the inside. How can I make sense of what happens there and then?

I use woodcut and etching as processes that involve 'wounding’ the plate and both the plate and the paper refer to the surface of the body. Religious and sexual associations intertwine in a personal mythology where the vagina is a central symbol, a rich source of metaphors wherein sexuality, birthing and menstruating explode into the realm of the occult, supernatural and religious. The body in my work is marked by an ambiguous genital opening where the vaginal and the phallic can fuse and become a fantastic polymorphous fluid feature of the body.

My practice is heavily influenced by medieval  anatomical and Christian imagery, where the body is distorted and exaggerated for the purpose of telling a story. I am also inspired by Shunga, traditional erotic Japanese prints, and the explicit detail with which the sexual body is represented.