Sunday 24 April 2011

On Stone they lie

On Stone They Lie refers to the operating table and the death bed, where bodies lie inert. Religion and anatomy construct a body that is material flesh, like the damp paper ready to receive impressions. It is to be manipulated, opened, revealed. It is to be represented, to allow public view of its internal selfhood, it will collaborate in it's own display, there are no secrets to be left for the gaze of the Supreme Surgeon.
They lie horizontal accepting, receiving the cut like the mystics receive stigmata, the body's experience reduced to what it can feel inflicted upon it.

The combination of photogram, photograph and etching is to reflect upon how different representational processes operate. What happens to what is represented in the process? To be able to address the body I use different languages that render particular views of it: performance, photographic processes and printmaking have inherent meanings and dinamics. They are techniques-like tools- used to approach, conceptualise, define, state, document, what the body is.