Thursday, 19 March 2009

Museo de Relaciones Rotas

Fundado en Croacia por los artistas Olinka Vištica y Drazen Grubišić,

"Museum of Broken Relationships is a project which proceeds from the assumption that objects i.e., matter as a whole possess integrated fields - ‘holograms’ of memories and emotions . It intends with its layout to create a space of ‘secure memory’ or ‘protected remembrance’ in order to preserve the material and nonmaterial heritage of broken relationships."

"Unlike the ‘destructive’ self-help instructions for recovery from failed loves, the Museum offers every individual the chance to overcome the emotional collapse through creation - by contributing to the Museum's collection. The individual gets rid of ‘controversial objects’, triggers of momentarily ‘undesirable’ emotions, by turning them into museum exhibits, and thereby participating in the creation of a preserved collective emotional history."

En contra de la destrucción o el olvido de los objetos que desencadenan el dolor de la ruptura, proponen meterlos en un museo, preservarlos, guardarlos. Crear un espacio para ellos y las emociones que alberguan. Es una alternativa creativa que recuerda al Dolor Exquisito de Sophie Calle, y sobretodo nos llama la atención porque parece que ahora ya no se recuerda tanto, ya no se guarda el luto.

La imagen: Granny’s box, 1926. Memories of Grandmother’s tragic love. Her fiancé Karlo drowned accidentally in a river in 1926