Monday 28 May 2012

Georges Bataille's Dream Series

True Blood would be Georges Bataille's dream series, it illustrates beautifully (and brutally) the philosopher's theory of eroticism, where violence, sexuality and religion meet. These modern vampires, whose blood has a strong afrodisiac and narcotic effect on humans, live among us in a (threatened) peaceful existence, relying on artificial blood to refrain their predator instincts.
Their thirst for blood however is linked to a dark primordial instinct, their true nature, which they must control and overcome to live in civilised society. This instinct is linked to their libido, blended in an inner irresistible lust for human blood. This liquid essence of life satiates them and keeps them alive despite being dead. Hence blood, death, sex and violence become one in the vampiric drive, the desire to kill and to consume blood, the sexual drive and the 'violent drive' are the same, and the act of drinking blood becomes the ultimate act of trascendence. In a state between life and death, the vampire represents the in-between, transgression and breaking of limits. Piercing the boundary of the skin, with sexual connotations, the blood spilled outside the edge of the self. Lost in sex, lost in violence, passively reduced to body and blood, the victim experiences what Bataille would call discontinuity. The passig onto not being, the self literally transgressing its surface (the body) in blood.