Friday 1 July 2011

ABRAHAM or the sacrifice of the son

Yesterday, Wednesday 29th of June, we had Symposium II, where MA students presented their practice in the form of 5 minute presentations. I decided to do a live performance instead, partly motivated by the lack of time to show and explain a whole body of work.
This was Abraham or The Sacrifice of the Son, performed in the lecture theatre, infront of a small audience, lit by a slide proyector with red. I used body paint and latex on my chest and abdomen, of which all the trials can be seen in the pictures. I finally mixed an organic, non-toxic pigment with olive oil to acquire a deep, dark, shiny red that resembled blood; and liquid latex layers with talcum powder to whitten the underlying red (since latex is almost completely transparent). I incorporated a wound-shaped metal etching plate, with underlying red, and covered by a latex second-skin.

I walk to the stage with a surgical blade in one hand and a big scrapper tool in the other. Once in the stage, I walk towards the edge and stop, to 'cut' my mouth open as I slide the red-stained tool across my lips. Then drop the heavy tool to the ground. I proceed unbuttoning my medical top and unzipping my white trousers, to reveal my body to the audience. I take my top off and slowly cut all the way down to get the plate out. Holding the plate as if stabbing myself, then as a baby, and finally raise it above my head to let it slip out of my grasp and die.