Thursday 21 January 2010

Serigraphy Course

The Serigraphy Course was organised by an artist run space, Mediodia Chica, situated in the heart of arty Madrid. 15 artists that form a collective and have established themselves as cultural association, organising exhibitions, workshops and doing their own work in the studios. The Course consisted of a non-stop weekend workshop, from Friday till Sunday.

The first exercise we did was using the photosensitive emulsion itself. I, as the hands-on artist I am, approached it by sticking my whole hand into it and doing prints with my fingers, palm and sides of my hands. The detail of the handprints achieved can be seen in the close-ups above.
For the second exercise we drew by hand a design on a transparent sheet with back permanent marker. This design would be then put into contact with the emulsion and developed. I had some paper with braile writing relief that I wanted to try on the printing so started looking for ideas that would make sense with the printing material... That's how I came up with the idea of the hands reading and the metaphor of the eyes. The hands are the eyes of the blind.

For the last exercise we got to print off the acetate from the computer (I took a picture with my digital camera) and use two colours in the printing. I hand drew the eye shapes and wrote 'A tientas' with a font that imitates fingerprints.