Thursday 9 April 2009

Altares IV: Anne Luther

Eye of the Beholder

Anne Luther es una artista surrealista contemporanea, nacida en Manhattan. En su trabajo se reunen muchos elementos que yo he tratado: las manos que guardan recuerdos, los colgantes victorianos con retratos del ausente, y por supuesto los altares, los recuerdos del pasado, la memoria, los objetos personales preciados...

"These works are alters, or miniature theatrical stages of delight. They pay homage to those messengers and their messages who have so transformed me."

You are eternally light and divine, Pray, Heart in Hand, Dreamstate, Accept

"I explore the relic beyond the saintly remains. I offer up my own interpretation using the possessions of ordinary men and women. Their prayer books, photos, letters and hat feathers have survived the passage of time; they’ve already lived longer than I have. I wonder what the people who owned them were like, how they were used and what magic they may now hold. Their stories are intertwined with mine. They comfort me, protect me from harm. They link me with their afterlife. I am a devote' of their remains and faithful to their treasures."

Sisters, Relic II, Joseph's Box, Joseph's Box II