Monday 27 December 2010

Macrocosm Man

Macrocosm Man represents the medieval male body, and all the meanings and associations attached to it. The two captions in the print read: "God created man is His own image and blessed him with intellect to rule upon the world like the brain governs the body". "And under Adam's flesh one shall find the beauty of nature, it's balance in the humours, and the providence of the stars in each part."
This is the first print for The Anatomy of the Gendered Body, a project that explores the construction of gender in anatomical illustration. Tracking back in history for the first images of open bodies we encounter the medieval world and the omnipresence of religion. The way bodies were understood before science was through religion, epitomized in the myth of Adam an Eve. God created man in his image and his divine craftsmanship can be seen in the way the inside of man's body reflects nature's perfection. The hierarchy is established by Adam being created first, the human being, the person, the intellect that mirror's God's supremacy. On the contrary Eve does not share his glory, she is a by product, derived from man, a companion that will lead him astray from his Creator.
Technique: One colour screenprint, edition of 10.