Sunday 11 July 2010


SIN A Tale About How Adam and Eve Became Sexed is based on the original sin from the Old Testament, but takes a new turn, looking at the story's relationship to sexuality. In this retold myth Adam and Eve's punishment is to become sexual beings, God hands them a pair of reproductive organs. The original story from the bible is charged with atittudes towards sexuality: the pain of childbearing (and hence the stigma of menstruation), the stain of sin inscribbed in their bodies and of future humanity, the shame of their naked bodies... And of course the blame on Eve and thereafter on all women to be viewed as sinful and leading man astray with their seduction skills. An intresting metaphor is to think of the sinful red apple in their stomachs physically turning into their sexed organs inside their bodies, the forbidden fruit and the act of disobeing God (morality) turned their bodies into shameful and sexual.

The characters for Adam and Eve are based on Menstrualis and Spermatozoa, two exagerated forms of the male and female body that are recurrent in my work.

Technique: Screenprinting and watercolour.