Sunday 16 June 2013

Zero: Embodying the Blues

Earlier this month I went to see Zero, a performance by Clod Ensemble fusing dance, visual theatre and live music. The trailer reminded me somehow of the intro for the series True Blood. (Georges Bataille's dream series.)


It was all about the music, and the performers where dressed in suits and evening dresses, emphasising gender roles, swapping them, sometimes. The live music seemed to infuse the bodies of the dancers, to follow more scripted dances, contort like predating animals, act scenes of a silent play or become characters of human tragedy. A voice in the background which I placed in between a police interrogation and an American talk show, provided snapshots of deeply personal stories, of loss, suffering and love.

Perhaps there is a link between vampires, blues and human tragedy. Perhaps it's through tragedy that our animal instincts take over and bring chaos to ordered life, when men and women, dressed acceptably to go to church, can overlook civilised norms to crawl and bite. Some of the moves, some of the scenes in Zero, also reminded me of Riccardo Buscarini's Athletes, when there is silence, and a group of individuals exchange gazes that tell a whole story that we know nothing about. And sometimes they move together, others they isolate one, creating a prey.