Saturday 12 February 2011

Why some women wear red lipstick

In creating art that deals with femininity, as with Red Lips, I have found that I am dealing with issues of female identity. For instance, to pose the question why women paint their lips red, I am assuming that to paint one's lips red is a thing women do, generalising and incorporating red lipstick into female identity, as if every woman did it. It is defenetively how it is perceived socially, however when looking at this gesture in isolation, we can take the chance to actually realise our assumptioms surrounding it. Some drag queens paint their lips red, some clowns paint their lips red, some prostitues paint their lips red, some lesbians paint their lips red, some transsexuals paint their lips red... Indeed some people paint their lips red, and being a woman and/or presenting oneself as femenine plays an important role in this ritual.

However to take red lips as a universal symbol for womanhood is problematic because it reiterates gender-sex structures, it assumes that women do feminine things.

For these reasons I think it will be interested to broaden the approach to creating the 28 prints, not portraying exclusively women but subjects that want to explore their relationship between this gesture, gender and their own identities.