Monday 24 January 2011

Why women paint their lips red III

"According to a study, a woman's lips are the most attractive part of her body. Especially if she's wearing red lipstick. Scientists found that in the ten seconds after meeting a lady for the first time, the average chap will spend more than half his time gazing at her mouth. If she's applied lipstick, he'll find it difficult to look away, with a dash of pink holding his attention for 6.7 seconds and red keeping him fixated for 7.3 seconds."

"Dr Geoff Beattie, who led the research, said 'This study proves that lips present one of the most sensual aspects of a woman's body and play a critical role in human sexual attraction. Full and red lips combined deliver the perfect pout to achieve male fixation"

The lips have it: Research shows men are drawn to a woman's pout more than any other facial feature, Daily Mail Online.